The place of video on social networks continues to grow. It is the medium that allows you to obtain the highest customer engagement rate, the strongest visibility and to generate qualified leads.
Recognized for its ability to attract, retain and generate engagement with its audience, it has become essential for companies wishing to develop their communication.
Today, video accounts for 84% of global internet traffic. It's the
the most requested, the most watched and the most shared support on the web, especially on social networks.
Companies are strongly impacted by this phenomenon.
As a result, it is important that your video meets the essential conditions for top communication .
Increase the reputation of your business,
Stand out from the competition,
Reassure your customers,
Bring rhythm and dynamism,
This is how we will bring to your customers the need to meet you as soon as possible and that you become a reference .
800 million users
22 million users in France
more than 840 thousand companies
277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook
the most incentivizing network to purchase
most used by B2B decision makers
2.291 billion users
52% of users are between 25 and 49 years old
37% of internet traffic
The Most Beneficial Advertising Platform
14% increase in brand awareness in 2021
The average time spent per day is 23 minutes
2.74 billion users
40 million users in France
35% of users are over 50
50% of VSEs-SMEs use Facebook
58% of marketers foresee to increase their advertising budget
85% of users look from videos without sound
1.221 billion users
users spend 53 minutes on the platform every day
69% of users are between 15 and 24 years old
4.2 billion Likes counted every day
in France, it is considered the network generating the most engagement
Social networks bring many benefits provided you understand how it works and adopt the right strategy.
Your company is encountering a problem (achieving an objective, improving its visibility, announcing a new product, transmit its values, etc.)
We set up the creation of a video responding to the message you want to communicate (increase your lead, promote a product, raise awareness,...)
We use the various networks and distribution systems to best accomplish your objectives (YouTube advertising, Instagram reels, Facebook video square, television, ...)
We analyze the best broadcast times of the day, of the week corresponding to the audience you want to reach.
We finalize with your call to action (CTA) in order to facilitate contact with your company and increase the commitment of your customers.
Going through the digital door is, to date, the best way to improve your company's communication by drawing on the strengths of video and social networks.
Upgrading has never been easier
your communications
Après notre premier rendez-vous téléphonique, je propose qu'on se rencontre autour d'un café afin de nous connaître et établir un cahier des charges, pour réaliser une vidéo à votre image.
Nous parlons d'idées, d'inspirations, de stratégies de diffusion, de dates de tournage, mais aussi de votre budget.
Cela dure en moyenne 1 heure.
Jour de tournage, nous mettons en place le storyboard qu'on aura réalisé en amont.
Les modèles prévues sont présents et les scènes sont mises en place. Parfait, nous démarrons votre projet.
Pas d'inquiétude concernant le timing, nous prenons toujours le temps de rejouer les scènes afin que tout le monde soit à l'aise.
Pendant le montage, vous êtes moins sollicité, mis à part pour connaître votre avis sur les premières versions que je vous envois.
Voici quelques exemples de questions :
_ La musique vous plaît ?
_ Que pensez-vous de la première version ?
_ On poursuit dans ce sens ?
_ Êtes-vous satisfait ?
La vidéo est terminée, la version finale vous a été transmise en 2 formats :
_ 4K non compressé pour votre site, et publicités.
_ 4K compressé pour l'utilisation à travers vos réseaux sociaux.
Nous revoyons ensemble votre stratégie de diffusion avant la publication.
Me, it's JULIEn
Living in Toulouse, I am passionate about production of videos and perfect catches.
Having limitless creativity, I like listen to your story, your desires and your ideas, in order to make a video in your image.
Always with a camera in hand, I am fascinated by the writing, the plans, the equipment, the editing, the sound, the colorimetry, the rhythm...
My objective, produce a unique and personalized video for you.